Claydon and Barham Community Centre

Record Of Charitable Funds Raised Recently.


Donations in date order:


  • 09/10/2022
    John West Memorial Village Quiz was held after a two-year break. Organised by Neil West & his team and with the Community Centre hosting & sponsorship we were able to raise £124 for St Elizabeth’s Hospice. Congratulations to this year’s winners The Claydon & Barham Church Team.
    St Elizabeth Hospice: Home
  • 15/01/2022
    Colin Dedman organised and held an 80th birthday party, during which funds totaling £800.00p were raised towards the cost of a defibrillator for the Alasdair Place Residents Association
  • 24/10/2021
    Colin Dedman raised £1050.00p in favour of Papworth Hospital, through the organising of an event in celebration of his wife Doreen’s 75th birthday.
    Our charity: Royal Papworth Hospital