Hall Hire Contract Clauses


  1. to be responsible for the proper supervision, care, and safety of the premises, its fabric, and content and indemnifies “the Owner” for the cost of any loss, breakage or damage occasioned thereto during the period of hire, any such cost being payable on demand but not less than the held deposit;​
  2. to be responsible for ensuring that glasses and bottles are not taken out of the premises onto the public highway;​
  3. to be responsible for the proper supervision, care, safety, and behaviour of all persons of the party of “the Hirer” whilst on the premises or grounds during the period of hire;​
  4. to be responsible for the proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the highway during the period of hire;​
  5. not to use the premises or grounds for any purposes other than that detailed above;​
  6. not to sub-hire or use the premises or grounds or allow the premises or grounds to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way not to do any unlawful act or bring onto the premises or grounds anything which may endanger the same or put at risk “the Owner’s” Insurance Cover or Liquor Licence;​
  7. a: not to allow the consumption of ANY alcoholic beverage however innocuous by minors not to allow any drink purchased off the premises to be consumed on the premises;

    b: any beverages found on the premises not purchased from the premises will result in their confiscation and a fine of not less than the deposit held; ​

  1. to comply with all conditions and regulations displayed at the hall and made in respect of the said premises or grounds by the Fire Authority, the Licensing Authority, or other such authority, particularly in connection with any event that includes dancing or amplified sound/music or other similar entertainment or stage plays AND to appraise their guests of the fire exits and fire procedures;
  2. that during the period of hire ‘lighted’ candles or any other form of internal pyrotechnics will not be used or allowed to be used by the “Hirer” or any guest(s);​
  3. Drinking up time: Last orders are at 11.40 pm all guests and “Hirer” are required to ‘drink up’ and return all glasses by 12.00 midnight.​
  4. NOISE: The legal requirement on these premises is not more than 92 decibels. If you are hiring your own entertainment you are required to inform them of this level and that there is a noise limiter system fitted within the club. The act/acts may wish to contact the ‘Owner’ to investigate this further. The entertainment is required to finish not later than 11.30 pm (an extended licence for entertainment and or liquor can be applied for, further details and costs are available on request);​
  5. CANCELLATION: In the event of a cancellation, the “Hirer” is required to IMMEDIATELY notify the ‘Owner’ of such cancellation, AND if notice is not given or a replacement booking secured the “Hirer” will be liable for the full amount of the hire charge or some other charge that at the discretion of the ‘Owner’ may be demanded. Less than 30 days notice and deposit forfeited;
  6. CLEANING & SET UP CHARGES: At the end of the hire period the “Hirer” shall be responsible for leaving the premises and grounds in the same clean and tidy condition as on the day or hire AND to properly restore any contents temporarily removed from their usual position AND on leaving to ensure the premises is properly locked and secured unless directed otherwise AND that the key is returned to the “Owner” or its appointed representative as arranged. If not done to satisfaction will result in the deposit being forfeited;​
  7. CORKAGE & GLASS CLEANING CHARGES: Provided you place your order a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your function, the Bar is able to offer a Wine List to suit most tastes. However, you may prefer to bring your own but it must be remembered that all alcoholic drinks brought into the Community Hall are subject to a corkage charge. Therefore, all alcoholic beverages brought onto the premises must be dispensed from the bar to avoid section 6 subsection b; Glasses may be hired from outside of the Community Centre, and a quote can be provided on request.  All glasses brought into the Community Centre, will, if required to be cleaned, be subject to a cleaning charge calculated according to the number of people at your function/event;​
  8. LATE NIGHT CHARGES: Unless arranged at the time of booking the Community Hall must be completely cleaned and vacated by midnight on the evening of hiring. The “Owner” reserves the right to impose a surcharge of £25.00 per additional half hour or part thereof on any hiring that does not comply with this clause. 


  1. to ensure that on the day of hire the premises are in a clean and tidy condition;​
  2. to ensure that all services are functioning safely and correctly;​
  3. to make the key available on the day of hire unless otherwise agreed with “the Owner” or its appointed representative;​


  1. to make an additional charge where there is an infringement of paragraph 1 above;​
  2. to refuse any hiring it deems unsuitable;​
  3. to alter or amend any part of this agreement at any time without prior notification