1. All members must have their membership cards with them at all times when entering the centre and may be asked to show them at any time.  A member failing to show their membership card more than twice will be asked to pay an admin check fee of £5.00.
  2. Lapsed members will pay an additional admin fee of £5.00 when re-joining.
  3. Membership must be renewed within two months of the renewal date.  Members who do not renew at this time will be charged as new members.  Membership renewal commences on 1st December each year.
  4. No member may book the hall at a discount price unless they have held their membership for at least 3 months and have visited the centre at least three times.
  5. All visitors must sign the visitor’s book each time they visit the centre.
  6. A visitor may only visit the centre three times in any one year.  A visitor making a fourth visit will be expected to join the centre or leave.
  7. All children must be under the control of their parents/guardians at all times.  They must not run at any time.
  8. Members and Visitors – no parent/guardian attending an event may leave their children with another person(s) whilst they go to another event outside the building.
  9. Smoking is strictly forbidden, including e-cigarettes, anywhere within the building.
  10. Any person found breaking these rules may be issued a (virtual) yellow card.  A yellow card is a warning and remains on that person for 28 days.  Should they receive a second card in that time or be found to have breached rules or committed a serious offence, they will be issued with a (virtual) red card which will result in immediate removal from the centre followed up with a summons to be interviewed by the centre’s board.
  11. No person may enter any part of the bar area unless authorised by the bar person in attendance.
  12. Gambling machines may only be used by members.
  13. All trustees and bar staff have the right to ask a person (member or visitor) to vacate the centre if they have good reason to believe rules have been breached, due to drunken behaviour, abusive behaviour, etc.
  14. Only members may attend and vote at the AGM.
  15. Proxy voting may only be undertaken by a member who is unable to attend the meeting due to a medical/physical disability or is on a holiday of more than 6 days.
  16. Any member who has any concerns/issues they wish to raise should speak with the bar manager or a staff member if appropriate and/or a trustee.
  17. No person may abuse any other person at any time.
  18. No political, racial, sexual, or any other discriminating paraphernalia may be distributed and/or displayed at any time.
  19. In the event of a fire alarm sounding, unless otherwise instructed, you must immediately vacate the building through the nearest fire exit.
  20. In the event of an accident, this must be immediately reported to the bar staff and/or a trustee.  All details must be recorded in the Accident Book.
  21. Any person found damaging/destroying the centre property will be reported to the police and given a lifetime ban.
  22. Dogs are permitted by arrangement, in the lounge bar only (unless an assisting dog or especially authorised).

JULY 2020